+256 788 713 377

Project information

  • Category: Investment Vehicle
  • Name: Fortune Tech
  • Project Start Date:
  • Project URL: TBD


Fortune tech was established with a view to carry on the business of providing financial technology services, software applications and other transactions related services. We further carry on the business of adopting advanced technological tools that help organizations, banks financial institutions and customers alike to conduct transactions digitally through secure electronic channels so as to realise full potential of technology and services and thus further the development of Uganda’s payments system industry. With the rise of digital payment systems like mobile money to blockchains and cryptocurrencies, businesses are clamouring to enhance their own transaction systems to cut transaction time but also without creating a financial burden on their clients. Most payment systems that would meet these needs however are designed in a very general manner, that doesn’t give businesses autonomy on transaction data, limited cyber security and also come at a very high cost.